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Do you want the truth, or something beautiful?
Quotes: We might kiss when we are alone, when nobody's watching. We might take it home, we might make out when nobody's there. It's not that we're scared. It's just that it's delicate.
Friday, August 7, 2009, 6:43 AM
We have a new addition to our family. Instant quick. We took her from KK yesterday, and boy, was i excited.

Thinking bout' the little button saddens the family, but she's our source of joy and happiness. Now i'll be stuck more at home. And Hazri will be ignored! hahaha.

Nur Railah, i will blog about you every now and then. You'll never be out from anybody's sight. Loves.

put aside.
Monday, July 20, 2009, 3:07 AM

Was busy, but not right now. Weekends was g-r-e-a-t. Ate at Popeye's with none other. Catch-ed HP at the Theaters with Karim and Naz. Finally watched Transformers with Luqman and Yana. It was better than Harry Potter i think. Went to Tapestry to watch Yana and the band doing their thang. lol. And that shows how "busy" i was?

I did some spring cleaning, and I bought a book (The reader). So i think I'll avoid hang-out sessions with the other Usuals. Not that I'm looking forward to meet some of them of cuz. I prefer the latter. I can withstand Irritants but I can't make do with allergies, if you know what i mean. I'm a person whom you can read very easily with my plastered expressions, but No sir, not my thoughts.

PB time.


brighter than usual.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 7:15 PM
I'm turning to be a regular blogger once again while the rest is just not updating? what happened?

Might be going out with Parker later for some bottom hunt and i might be buying a new shoe, when most of you all know that I'm an easy person. Flip flops is practical you know. But i can't put down temptations! My two Onit Tigers, Mr Crocs, Adi and Gallaz begs for my feet, haha!

Anw, usual chillout session with the usuals plus two, minus 1 multiply by 3. can't really sum them up as the usuals, but idk. I need to rant now, back to my PB.

tac toes.

flames to dust
Monday, July 13, 2009, 10:00 PM

ok, im tired actually. dead beat. doing nothing. :)

Thurs plan's is on. Invitation is out. To the rest with nil verbal invitation, mcm dunno only, just join. We're wall faces, sometimes.

infinite tic tacs.

far away,
, 2:54 AM
This is to prove how mad bored i am right now.

2nd post of the day with nothing to tell. Except on my other side of the world, which is my private blog. Will be inviting 2 of my trusted souls. >:(

And I have to learn how to manage my anger. Sorry to those whom I've vented on. No purpose, but you know me.

tic tac.

Sunday, July 12, 2009, 11:16 PM
Was hoping to get out from my house, but sometimes unforeseen circumstances knock us down. So yeah, rot at this full week.

And for starters, hope you can "open your eyes big-big". Don't even know why I'm so angry with you sometimes. Please change, cuz i really care. I do. :( hahah. apa ni?

I'm having this weird mood seizure. bah.

do you hear me, i'm talking to you
, 9:51 PM
It feels .... great? to let out my emotions to someone who's observant afterall. haha. Although it's quite weird, but letting out something that u've been bottling feels fulfilled? haiyaa.

I'm not really sure whether quitting my job is the right decision but I'm pretty sure that it was my last resort. truth is, It's really hard to let it all go. Great friends, but the pay sucks, what's more is the fucking management. Not fair!

I've been hanging out like nobody's business. God, it's a waste of time. Repeating cycle. IT'S A WASTE OF TIME!! But it's better than staying at home. Lagi waste of time! WASTE OF TIME UNDERSTAND? apa ni?

I miss the good ol' times. When nothing seems to matter, only friends stays still. FRIENDS what FRIENDS?

And i'm ranting again.

p/s : you're so near but you're out of my reach.