I've been missing for so long right? And it's the 2
nd day of 2009 already.
nothing interesting happened to me throughout the whole 2008, but i must say that my life is pretty well blessed with a certain number of friends. dance! i mean thanks, Karim,
Fairul and the rest of you. You guys don't know how thankful I am to be 're-
united'with you guys again. Good gracious god, i love my friends. i feel like crying already.
hopefully this year won't leave me 'empty-handed' like you,
mr 2008. and i can foresee a b-e-a
utiful life
aheaadddd. :) :) with more impromptu meetings, more careless buys, and more impulsive shopping!
To our one month friend, you'll be greatly missed. and to the rest of my friends, i know right! you'll miss me even more.
teehee! love you guys so bloody much! :(